Irrigation Components
32 Products
32 Products
If building a DIY system, you need irrigation parts and components.
A DIY irrigation system will allow you to:
There are many ways to do it, but generally people will either create drip lines, with end stops. Or they will build a drip ring.
It's much better to create a drip ring than it is to create drip lines. This is because in a drip line, the pants closest to your pump (where the water pressure is highest) tend to get more access to feed. To avoid this, you'll need to use pressure-compensated drippers (PCBs).
However, it's much easier to use a drip ring where you'll get a more even pressure throughout.
If creating a DIY system you will need:
You may also need other components, such as:
You can drain it away with a DIY run-to-waste system. A great way to do this is with RhizoStands. You can connect lengths of pipe to them and deliver it to a waste bucket or tank. Doing this ensures plants aren't absorbing stale, stagnant feed.